domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Noticia: Bienvenidos a un día en el Aeropuerto de Manchester

Welcome to a year in the life of Manchester Airport...

Manchester Evening News 
September 15, 2012

Manchester Airport had one of its busiest and wackiest summers ever – with almost 6.5m passengers travelling through the terminals.

The holiday hub enjoyed a holiday bonanza booming – with millions of holidaymakers jetting away between June and August despite the economic gloom.

But staff admit they also had to deal with some of the strangest and trickiest problems this year – including the scandal of the 11-year-old pupil who jetted off to Rome alone.

Airport staff also described the highs and lows of their work by revealing  series of bizarre incidents – including the case of one traveller who tried to smuggler her dog through security.

Andrew Harrison, the airport’s managing director, said it had been a ‘rollercoaster’ – and praised airport staff, from cleaners to terminal managers, for their hard work.

He admitted that a high-publicised fuel shortage of fuel, which hit flights in June, and the case of Wythenshawe youngster Liam Corcoran – who boarded the Jet2 flight  without passport, ticket or boarding pass – had been tricky times.

Mr Harrison told the M.E.N: “It’s been a rollercoaster summer – we’ve not had highs all the way but when you look at the overall picture, we’ve continued to do a pretty good job.

“We’ve had our challenges – we never want to be in a situation where we feel we’ve let ourselves or our passengers down but where that has happened we have learned lessons really quickly to make sure it cannot happen again.

“We had the incident where the little lad boarded a flight to Rome – but that wasn’t a security issue. We’ve put measures in place to put right the things that went wrong – and I’m really proud of my team and my staff for the way they have handled everything.”

But high points in the year included passenger growth, the arrival of the Dreamliner 787 jet and the construction of the airport’s new air traffic control tower.

Mr Harrison added: “We’ve seen growth in our passenger numbers – we’ve continued to take market share from other airports and people are choosing to fly from here because we have the flights that they want.  That’s pleasing and means we’ve had on the whole an uplifting summer.”

As well as having to deal with serious incidents, the airport’s staff have also had to cope with more bizarre matters – from a professor trying to take 20-year-old preserved human organs on a flight to the United States to a woman trying to smuggle her tiny dog through security onto a plane.

The German lady had not sought permission from her airline and did not tell staff that there was an extra passenger travelling with her – instead choosing to hide the pooch in her handbag.

But she was rumbled by security officers after they put her bag through an x-ray machine – and the dog showed up on screen.

Another passenger thought he had lost his wallet and staff mounted a big search for it, even trawling through CCTV footage to see if it had been stolen.

But the mystery was solved when he took his hat off – and his missing wallet fell out of it. He realised he taken his hat off and put it into a tray, alongside his wallet, at security and his wallet must have slipped inside it while it was going through the x-ray machine.

Other funny incidents included a red-faced young couple getting stopped at security by guards after their hand baggage appeared to contain a dangerous object. Their luggage was manually searched and the offending item was revealed to be a cheekily-shaped stick of rock.

And a group of staff from Ann Summers also sparked a security alert when their luggage was examined by the x-ray machines. The bags had to be opened up and the ‘weapons’ were found to be sex aids.

*Summer 2012 was Manchester’s airport’s busiest season since 2006, with hundreds of extra summer staff drafted in to get them through the peak periods. Although popular destinations included the traditional sunspots of Malaga, Palma and Ibiza, long haul routes included exotic spots such as Las Vegas. Emirate states Dubai, pictured, and Abu Dhabi also performed strongly with passengers looking to travel further afield to see more exotic parts of the world.

Stars jet in - and guess who needed his hand holding

Over the summer, a number of famous faces have passed through the airport. Some celebrities who were spotted were:

- Legendary Manchester band The Stone Roses became frequent passengers as they conquered the world again.

- Olympic gold medallist Usain Bolt also passed through the gates.

- Four astronauts from NASA arrived from Atlanta.

- Pop princess Cheryl Cole flew out of Terminal One in her slippers.

- Celebrity couple Jay-Z and Beyonce jetted in to see Coldplay at the Etihad. Terminal duty manager Ann Campbell had to hold Jay Z’s hand as they walked through the terminal because he was scared of getting lost – and he started singing with his wife when they reached the gate, to the amazement of airport workers.

- Boyband One Direction and United footballer Shinji Kagawa caused mayhem when they were mobbed by fans.

- Lady Gaga kept her private jet waiting for five hours on the runway this week while she performed at Manchester Arena.

If you've enjoyed this pece, you'll enjoy reading - Terminal duty manager says 'Rome alone was worst day of my job'

1 comentario:

  1. El aeropuerto tuvo mucha concuerrencia en el verano lo cual, tuvo muchos beneficios económicos a pesar del pesimismo.Hubo muchos acontecimientos desde la llegada de cebridades como de otras personas que realizaron cosas chistosas.
